The vest is made up of about 117 strips of interfacing-backed flannel, which I basically quilted together.
I made the vest, the shirt, and even the little pouch from scratch! The rest of the items were found/bought.
My Rapunzel costume was fun too, especially as I made the skirt with no pattern and combined two patterns for the top. Some of the fabric was reclaimed from an old kimono I made back in college.
I spent a lot of time studying the movie to get the design on the skirt correct, and painted it on with fabric paint.
The best part was meeting the actors who played Rapunzel and Flynn at Disney World. Rapunzel was ecstatic to see us, and gushed over my costume and (real) hair. Flynn spent the entire time staring at Brian's costume with obvious jealousy. It's one of those moments when you walk away and think "Oh man, I'm not sure I'll ever do anything that cool again."
I also made my sister a Belle costume, which she asked to be altered from the original in specific ways. I like her idea better, it's much more flattering. Here she is with her trick-or-treat bag, with Brian, Master of the Photobomb behind her.
All in all, it was probably my favorite Halloween ever.